Bench to the cottage: from old bars and profile


In the presence of old bars and sections of a profile pipe, you can make your own hands a simple bench for a summer residence.

First of all, it will be necessary to remove self-tapping screws and nails from the bars, if they are there.

Since the author uses old bars, which for a long time lay in the open air, they need to be processed with an electric planer (or on a planer).

After that, the author makes the legs of the bench. To do this, cut off two short bars and two more authentic. We glue them together and additionally fix with long screws.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, we cut four workpieces from the profile pipe to size, weld in pairs at an angle. Then we fasten to the legs.

Next, it will be necessary to make a seat - we fasten previously prepared wooden blocks to the legs. Before you screw the screws, you need to drill holes.

Then we drill holes of the desired diameter in the profile pipe and fasten the back.

Before screwing on wooden blocks, they will need to be coated with varnish or mineral oil in advance.

You can watch the video on how to make a bench for a summer house from old wooden bars and scraps of a profile pipe.


Watch the video: How to Make a WAKE BOARD BENCH (October 2024).