Beautiful bookmark for a book


Everyone who likes to read books knows that a convenient bookmark is very important. It should not be too big, but not very small. Many people love that the bookmark was not only practical, but also interesting. This master class will teach everyone who loves books and knows how to crochet how to make yourself an original and funny bookmark "Cat".
The color of the bookmark can be different, as you like. I decided not to experiment much and tied a simple black and white cat. It took her:
- white and black threads, I took acrylic - it is not whimsical and fits comfortably;
- hook number suitable to the thickness of the thread;
- scissors and a needle with a thread.

First of all, we need to bind the cat’s body. It consists of two circles of different diameters - one slightly smaller than the other. So that in the middle of each circle there is no unattractive hole, we begin to knit them from the Amigurumi loop.

We knit the Amigurumi loop with five single crochets and pull the “tail” of the ball so that the first and last loop we made are connected in a small circle. Tie the columns to each other with a connecting loop, and begin to knit our circle in width. To "pancake" diverged in breadth without waves, you need to add five loops to each new row, evenly distributing them in a row. It turns out these two circles.

At one circle, I left a small tail of thread and they tied the details together. You can do this with a thread with a needle.

Then we begin to make the "fur" of the cat. We tie it around the entire perimeter with a black thread.

The second row of black yarn includes the legs of a cat. To connect them, you need to make eight air loops, then in the sixth knit two double crochet and one connecting loop. It turns out such a pillow.

After we knit three air loops and, in the first, again we knit two double crochets and a connecting loop. It turned out two pads. We knit the third in the same way as the second, only the air loops will not be three, but two.

In the same way we knit all the other legs. The "legs" should be slightly longer than the "handles" so start them not with eight air loops, but with ten. When the paws in place, you can proceed to the ears. We knit them with a white thread. We make six single crochet - this is the first row.

Narrow each subsequent row until the ear becomes sharp. The second is done exactly the same. Try to get the same ears. It turns out here is such a wonderful bookmark.


Watch the video: Book lover Bookmark DIY - back to school ideas (January 2025).