Useful Tips for Beginners to Tile


When laying ceramic tiles in the bathroom or in the kitchen, typical mistakes are often made in practice (especially for beginner tilers or home craftsmen).

In this review, we will consider the most common errors that it is advisable to avoid, and also share useful tips on how to get a high-quality result.

Tile adhesive alignment

Few newcomers know that not every tile adhesive is suitable for partial alignment. For example, after drying, tile adhesives of class C1 and C2 will behave completely differently.

In general, it is worth noting that any tile adhesive is designed to gain strength when closed - that is, directly under the tile.

If the glue is in the open state, then the moisture from it evaporates almost instantly and the glue does not gain its strength at all. In this case, we are talking about glue class C1.

Glue with increased adhesion class C2 is designed for concrete substrates. In its composition, it has chemical additives that allow it to have quite serious strength after 12-18 hours.

Thus, if you are going to use tile adhesive for leveling the surface, then class C2 adhesive is more suitable for this.

Work with epoxy grout

Very often when working with epoxy grout, the outer corners do wrong. A common problem is a not-so-beautiful shaped outside corner. The seams are either sunken on them, or, conversely, somewhere sticks out.

In general, such a seam looks uneven and, as a result, it spoils the entire work of the master. Therefore, the outer corners must be formed correctly.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly hammer the outer corner with epoxy grout - it must be applied in excess. Then with moistened fingers you need to smooth the grout until the white emulsion is released from the resin.

After approximately 2 hours, the grout will begin to harden and will resemble soft plasticine in consistency. And this moment is important not to miss. Next, we begin to finally form the outer corner.

Epoxy grout preparation

Now let's talk a little about how you can prepare an epoxy grout if there are no scales at hand. One of the typical mistakes is that it is kneaded in the eye, but this is undesirable.

There is an easy way to prepare an epoxy grout in accordance with all the rules, even if there are no scales.

First of all, it is necessary to divide the epoxy into 2 equal parts. Then one more of the halves will need to be divided into two parts in order to easily knead one fourth. By dividing by 2, you can knead absolutely any amount of grout.

A similar procedure must be repeated with the grout itself. And then we mix everything together, and we get a ready-made mixture.

In such a simple way, you can knead almost any amount of epoxy grout without using weights.

More information about the most common errors and how to avoid them is presented in this video.


Watch the video: How to tile a bathroom (January 2025).