What is missing a small angle grinder: do it yourself


What do you think, what a small angle grinder may actually miss? What have manufacturers forgotten about? Does this tool really need to be improved?

On the one hand, a grinder (even a small one!) Is already a universal and powerful electric tool.

Using angle grinders, using the appropriate discs, you can cut not only metal, but also concrete and wood. What else is needed for complete happiness?

The author of this video believes that the little grinder lacks a convenient handle, as on large models. And this pen is very easy to make from wood or plywood.

The main stages of work

Having taken a log of suitable size, with the help of an ax, the author gives it the desired shape. Although you can cut a pen out of plywood - it will turn out faster.

Then the wooden blank will need to be “cultivated” with a rasp and sandpaper, and cut off along the length.

At the next stage, the master fixes the handle in a bench vise, makes a marking and drills holes: under the cord and for attaching to the grinder body.

Then it remains only to attach the homemade handle to the grinder. This will require two strips of sheet metal and a pair of clamps with a clamp.

For details on how to make such a pen, see this video. Write your opinion in the comments about whether such a revision is needed for a little grinder or not?


Watch the video: Mini Corn Mill from an Angle Grinder, How to. DIY. (October 2024).