Surprise - The Joy of a Sweet Tooth


Often you want to do something cute and enjoyable for your loved one, but you don’t have enough time, energy or imagination, or even all at once.
For those who want to please their soul mate, I can offer a good option for an exclusive sweet gift, but at the same time, which does not require culinary skills, special skills and a lot of time.
The bottom line is to remind your loved one (s) that he (a) is the most precious person for you.
To implement the idea you will need:
- a beautiful gift box;
- a lot of different sweets (it is better to know in advance which kind of sweets like the second half);
- a small mirror suitable for the diameter of the box;
- postcards, valentines, stickers, that is, everything you can leave an inscription, message or letter on (your imagination works here, well, or what is at hand is used).

Glue the mirror you prepared on the bottom of the box. Why do you need it you will find out later.

After the mirror is in place, lay on top of it a beautiful paper, fabric or polyethylene, but the surface of this "bedspread" should be visible, otherwise your beloved (s) may not guess about the secret meaning of the present.

Above you can put prepared postcards, notes with confessions, and maybe poems.

Next, you can proceed to the direct laying out of sweets. In the photo there are small “twixics” without a wrapper.

To beautifully, brightly decorate the top, I used Skittles and M & M's.

The lower layer (predominant) consists of chocolate, larger candies, and the upper decorative of small dragees.

You can put, and even need, a postcard on all this yummy that reminds you of warm and bright feelings.

Here is a precious gift ready! His weight is quite decent, even if the box looks small. The content can, of course, be changed a bit, but the essence will remain the same - the main thing is to do it nicely. By the way, it’s very popular to put Kinder-surprises and "Rafaelki" in such gifts. Oh, and the sweet tooth will enjoy such a surprise!
IMPORTANT! And now back to that very mirror. What is the trick, you probably thought.
In order for the surprise to produce the desired effect, you need to hand it with words like "When you get to the bottom of the box, you will see something very important for me there."
Favorite (s) with impatience will get to the bottom, having sorted out sweet surprises, and looking there, he will see his reflection.
And believe me, a loving person will be very pleased to receive such a gift. Be sincere and you will succeed!


Watch the video: 23 SWEET FOOD TRICKS THAT YOU MUST TRY (October 2024).