Topiary with cones


To work, you need materials:
• Cones pine or deciduous - 5 pieces,
• thick wire,
• Green oilcloth,
• Beads gold, beige,
• Styrofoam,
• Alabaster, glue,
• Mouline thread is white,
• Acrylic paint in gold color.

Ordinary pine cones should first be turned into gold, painting them with paint. For a deeper color, painting should be done twice.

Fir branches are constructed of green oilcloth (or dense polyethylene).
Oilcloth is cut into 5 strips 7 cm wide and about 30 cm long. Each strip is folded in half lengthwise and cut with scissors. The cuts must be done carefully, not reaching the fold line, so as not to cut the strip.

A piece equal to the length of the incised strip is cut from the wire. The wire is superimposed on the strip and twisted together with it.

Should get spruce branches. They need to be rolled into a ring and the ends fixed.

Next, prepare the white rods - stems. Thick wire is cut into 7 segments. A loop is made at the ends of 5 segments (cones will be attached to them). Each piece is tightly wrapped with thread.

When all 7 rods are ready, we collect them in a bundle and plant them in a prepared container, where a mixture of alabaster and water is filled.

The surface of the alabaster, after drying, is hidden behind the same coniferous branches. Paste pieces of snow on top of the foam.

Now we need to spread the stems of our composition. They can be twisted in a spiral, in a circle or just give a chaotic shape.
First, we attach green rings to the ends of the stems with loops, and in the center on the cone. From the polystyrene crumbs, we also create snow on the wreaths around the cones.

Beads will help to complete the topiary and give colorfulness. They are glued in a chaotic manner on cones, needles, stems, snow.

On top of the topiary, you can sprinkle golden spangles for nails.
Such a winter composition, creating a fairy tale and uplifting, will serve as an excellent gift for the New Year holidays.


Watch the video: Hedge trim, topiary, cone, buxus, formal garden (October 2024).