Pocket winter fishing rod


I greet all ice fishing enthusiasts who are ready even in the most severe frosts to give up household chores and go to the pond to catch a couple of perches. Today I want to propose to make my own pocket rod for fishing from ice. This tackle will always be at your fingertips, it will not take up much space and is easy to manufacture. I propose to find the necessary material and independently make a "miracle fishing rod" for winter fishing.
To make a winter fishing rod from a medical syringe, you will need the following:
• scissors;
• screwdriver;
• stationery knife;
• medical syringe;
• plastic bottle;
• bolt and self-tapping screw;
• cambric (white and red);
• suitable parts from the Lego constructor.

The process of making a homemade pocket fishing rod for ice fishing:
1. It is necessary to remove the piston from the medical syringe and use a stationery knife to make a groove that will serve as a reel on which the fishing line is wound.
2. Insert the piston back and use a nail with a hot flame to make a hole in the syringe at the level of the groove, so that it is convenient to let the forest pass.

3. We take the plastic part from the Lego constructor, as shown in the photo and cut off the excess part. Then we screw in a self-tapping screw and a bolt and get a handle for rotating the piston, with which we will wind and lower the fishing line. You can turn on the imagination and craft a pen from another material, for example, from copper wire.

4. Starting the next step, we also take the appropriate parts from the designer, which will serve as the top of the fishing rod, and in turn we will attach a bite signaling device to it. Using second glue, we attach the tip to the medical syringe and wait for the complete gluing.

5. Now we will make a bite signaling device from a plastic bottle. To do this, with the help of scissors we cut a thin plastic strip and make blanks of fasteners from cambric. We use red cambrics to fasten the signaling device to the apex and white cambric, through which forests will be passed.

6. It remains only to wrap the fishing line on the piston, pass it through the hole in the body of the syringe and the working cambric on the bite indicator. We attach a hook or winter mormyshka and homemade tackle is ready for use.

We are waiting for the onset of the winter period and cold weather, and when the ponds are covered with strong ice, we are going fishing. We take a convenient and neat fishing rod in our hand, put it on the hook of a bloodworm and after a while, striped perches flounder in the snow. So on your own with your own strengths, you can make a wonderful winter fishing rod that will bring many happy fishing moments of life. I wish you all good luck and big catches! Do not be lazy and make fishing lures and gear yourself!


Watch the video: How strong is a Micro Fishing Rod? (January 2025).