Accessories for a wedding photo shoot


Modern wedding photo shoots are no longer formulaic and formal. Photographers and newlyweds do everything to make wedding pictures bright and original. One of the latest wedding trends is wedding photography with fun accessories such as a mustache, lips, hats, crowns, butterflies and much more. In order to turn an ordinary photo with bridesmaids, friends of the groom or with all the guests into a bright and festive one, it is enough to attach the chosen accessory - a black mustache, a sweet smile or a funny tie - to the face or neck. It looks especially funny when men and women change accessories, and then in the photo the weaker sex “shows off” with its luxurious mustache, and the strong one - with charming red lips.
Such accessories do not have to be bought at the store. After all, they are not at all difficult to make at home. This will not take much time, and the materials themselves are inexpensive.
To make accessories you will need:
1. Patterns of lips, mustaches, hats and other things, downloaded from the Internet;
2. Colored cardboard;
3. Scissors;
4. Pencil or pen;
5. High-quality PVA glue or "Moment";
6. Wooden skewers for barbecue.

Of course, mustache and lip pictures can be printed on a color printer using cardboard or heavy paper. But if this is not possible, then you have to do everything manually. The main thing is not to be lazy. So, we cut out the pictures downloaded from the Internet and circle them on cardboard of a suitable color: a mustache on black, lips on red, crowns on golden, etc.

Carefully cut out all the workpieces. The more guests will be at the wedding, the more accessories will be needed. After all, one of the friends will definitely want to take a picture at the same time with two or three accessories.

Glue cardboard blanks to sticks. It is not necessary to stick all the sticks only in the left corner of the workpiece, for convenience, some of them can be glued both in the right corner and in the center.

Done! It is necessary for some time to leave the accessories in such a way that the glue dries.

And now you can go on a fun photo shoot with wonderful accessories!


Watch the video: Wedding Photography Tips: Gear Bag with Moshe Zusman (October 2024).